1.3 SquidNet Test Command Line Interface¶
To get a list of Blender command line options, use the “ccl –templateShow Blender” command. For example:
> ccl --templateShow squidnet
Usage: SquidNet Verification <options> ...
General options Mandatory Description
--appProfile <profile-name> Yes Application profile selection.
--batchId <batch-id> - Batch Id.
--deliveryMethod <method> Yes Delivery method.
--endFrame <frame-number> Yes Job end frame.
--extraAppOptions <application-options> - Extra application options.
--frameList <frame-list> - Frame list.
--framePerSlice <frames-per-slice> - Frames per slice.
--gpuExcludeList <gpu-model-list> - GPU exclusion list.
--gpuIncludeList <gpu-model-list> - GPU inclusion list.
--jobDescription <description> - Job description.
--jobId <job-id> Yes Job identifier..
--maxCpuSlices <max-cpu-slices> - Maximum CPU slices.
--maxGpuSlices <max-gpu-slices> - Maximum GPU slices.
--outputFolder <output-path> Yes Output folder.
--pool <profile-name> Yes Render pool.
--projectFolder <folder-path> Yes Project folder path.
--renderPluginsUsed <plugin-list> - Application render plugins used.
--renderQueue <render-queue> Yes Render queue.
--sceneFile <scene-filename> Yes Relative scene file name.
--sceneName <scene-name> Yes Name of scene or shot.
--startFrame <frame-number> Yes Job start frame.
--stepFrame <frame-step> - Job step frame.
--template <template-name> Yes Use supported template.
--videoEncoder <encoder> - Video encoder (h.264, h.265, vpx-vp9 etc...).
--videoFormat <format> - Video file format.
--videoFrameRate <frame-rate> - Video frame rate.
--videoOutputDir <output-path> - Video output dir.
--videoQuality <quality> - Video quality (0-51: 0:lossless 51:worst).
--videoResolution <resolution> - Video resolution.
--vmCreationCount <vm-count> - VM creation count.
--vmInstancePrefix <prefix> - VM prefix for instances (max 10 chars).
--vmProfileName <profile-name> - VM profile to use.
Application specific options Mandatory Description
--imagePrefix <prefix> - Image prefix.
--maxProcessingTime <time-secs> Yes Max Processing time.
--processingTime <time-secs> Yes Processing time.
--randomExitCode <value> - Random exit code ((rand() mod value) == 0).
--sampleSize <size-mbs> - Size (in MBs) of test output files.
--takeList <take-file> - Scene take list.
To submit a simple CPU request, issue the follow command:
> ccl --submitJob --template squidnet --appProfile SQUIDNET --jobId squidnet_cpu --projectFolder E:\svn\sceneContent\BlenderScenes\bmw --sceneFile /bmw27_cpu.blend --outputFolder E:\tmp --sceneName default --jobId JOB-$(RANDOM) --startFrame 1 --endFrame 10 --pool NETWORK --renderQueue "PRIORITY 10" --deliveryMethod frame --processingTime 1 --maxProcessingTime 15 --sampleSize 1 --framePerSlice 1
To submit a simple GPU request using the GPU render engine, issue the follow command:
> ccl --submitJob --template squidnet --appProfile SQUIDNET --jobId squidnet_gpu --projectFolder E:\svn\sceneContent\BlenderScenes\bmw --sceneFile /bmw27_cpu.blend --outputFolder E:\tmp --sceneName default --jobId JOB-$(RANDOM) --startFrame 1 --endFrame 10 --pool NETWORK --renderQueue "PRIORITY 10" --deliveryMethod frame --processingTime 1 --maxProcessingTime 15 --sampleSize 1 --framePerSlice 1 --useGpu
Note the "--useGpu" option at the end of the command.
Alternatively, you can use the build-in render farm test command:
> ccl --submitTestJob
Last Updated on 2021-12-15