1.1 Headless Mode (NO CUI)¶
Normally, to issue CCL commands, users must be actively logged into the CUI desktop application. To submit jobs without an open CUI connection, you’ll need to create a render farm identifier (RFID) that’s included with your CCL commands.
To create an RFID, issue the following command:
ccl --rfidCreate --studio <studio-name> --username <username> --password <password> --server <master-server-url>
ccl --rfidCreate --studio squidnet --username administrator --password ***** --server http://myrenderfarm.com
If the request is successful, use the “ccl –rfidShow” command to see render farm ids:
ccl --rfidShow
RFID Render Farm URL Studio Account UserName
sqn SquidNet Software thor SquidNet administrator
In the example above, “sqn” is the RFID to the local SquidNet server. Now you can issue CCL commands without an active CUI desktop connection:
ccl --rfid sqn --renderQueueShow
Last Updated on 2021-12-15